Sunday, May 10, 2020

Lockdown Diary: Sunday 10.5.20

Brrrr! Today was a return to almost wintery conditions, with an ugly north-easterly wind. The main influence was to push down big numbers of hirundines (Swallows and martins) down to the two main lakes at Ferry Meadows (called Gunwade and Overton). Overton was covered in Sand Martins (which nest nearby on an island on the smaller Lynch Lake, a few metres away) and Gunwade was carpetted in House Martins and Swallows.
Ferry Meadows has a great record for the rare Red-rumped Swallow, a southern European visitor; with four seen there in the last decade. So my chief target was finding one of these elegant beauties. no such luck!
Meantime, back home the Swifts are in our itte close and look again to be interested in the roof of the house two doors up. We put up Swift next boxes under the eaves of our house in the early 2000s and have never had them nesting yet…

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