Composite of distant hunting bird poses

Note Peterborough Cathedral in the distance
This Rough-legged was initially reported on the Great Fen website (after they saw it on 9th November) by a couple of local birders who are infamously tight-lipped about their birds, preferring not to actively engage with other birders. Luckily, someone spotted this and tipped me off on Friday 28th. But it was already three weeks since the sighting with nothing since. So, I wasn't exactly full of confidence when I went to check out the site on saturday 29th. However, within half an hour I had relocated it and the twitch was on with local birders coming over the weekend to watch a special bird and add it to their Peterborough area lists.
This is PBC tick number 241 for me and 182 in 2014. On sunday afternoon it came much closer, but I wasn't there to see it and photograph it... Perhaps next weekend?