Thanks, Brian 'The Natural' Stone, for taking me to Southey Woods, Cambs, this lunchtime (12.1.06) to see the party of Crossbills there. There were at least 14 birds, and they were bold as brass, as they came down to a tiny puddle in the car-park. It was one of the most thrilling digiscoping moments I have had. Superb stuff. Enjoy the photos (which show a distinct bias toward the gorgeous males, something the usual car-park inhabitants of Southey's car-park would no doubt appreciate).

The gathering begins

A male finds a perch near the puddle

Then comes a little closer (click for a big version)

Detail of the head

A quick look before a hasty drink.

This male (female in background) has a bill crossing the other way.
Canon Powershot A95 through Kowa TSN 823 + 32xWLER