Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Lockdown Diary: Tuesday 4.8.20

My son Ed has started picking blueberries as a summer job for a few weeks. So, I had to take him down to the farm for 6.20 this morning. That meant there was a bit of time before work to do some birding, so I headed to one of my favourite places at the moment, Southey Wood. In summary, I heard Crossbills calling a few times and the largest number I saw were a flock of 4 flying about (possibly looking for a puddle or ditch to drink in); I also saw Spotted Flycatcher, a few Siskins, plenty of Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers and a couple of Muntjac Deer.

Perhaps, this pre-work birding will become a thing for the next few weeks…

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