Tuesday, May 08, 2012


I went for my usual cycle round Ferry Meadows CP this lunchtime. I have to say, it was remarkably quiet. The final appearance of something resmebling sunny weather (I was only wearing two fleeces) has lifted the hirundines and Swifts and there were relatively few terns over the lakes, and very little chance of tern passage. There has been a slight increase in Garden Warbler numbers,especially round the Ham Bridge area, and nearby, at the small reedbed near the fork in the river, I heard my first FM Reed Warbler singing this year (in their traditional spot).
There is always something new to see, however. Today's treat came along the hedge between Lynch and Overton Lakes. There was basically a racket going on. The racket consisted of a mass of Long-tailed Tit trill, the odd Blue Tit and a singing Blackcap. I cycled round the hedge to see what was going on, and eventually saw a few of the Long-tailed Tits: my first juvenile Long-tailed Tits of the year.
Something was bugging the little birds and it clearly wasn't budging as they were persisting in mobbing and trilling and singing at whatever it was. I saw something largish mover, so I went round the other side to get a better look.
In the middle of the Hawthorn hedge, surrounded by Long-tailed Tits, the odd Blue Tit and a singing Blackcap, a Jay was holding a dead juvenile Long-tailed Tit and ripping at its flesh with its bill.
I think it is the first time I have ever seen a Jay eating a dead bird.

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