Since the last update on my goings on, I have the following to report:
1. Added Kittiwake to my PBC list with a bird found at Maxey pits (29.3.08). The same day, I also added Lesser Spodepecker & Med Gull to my 2008 PBC list. (My PBC list is now 223 species)

Grey Plover (distant digiscope!)
2. Next day I took a stroll down the Nene Washes, and saw my first Garganey of the year, a couple of Grey Plovers (see above) and the Merlin with a Snipe (below).
3. The same day, a group of three Mallards turned up in our garden. By the way, the pond isn't really purple!

4. The Weedon team photographed the ducks, and used the lovely sunny weather to take a few tadpole shots.
3. On 2.4.08 I went twitching a Knot on the Nene Washes with Will Bowell, and we added Avocet as well to the old year list.
4. Today (3.4.08) I heard my first Willow Warblers of the year at Ferry Meadows. So, current PBC year list stands at 136 species (inc 21 'elites').