Wilson's Phalarope (plus Greenshank), High Wash, Whittlesey, Cambs, 10.5.07 (digiscope).
Whenever a juicy rarity is hanging around in Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire or further south in Cambridgeshire, but outside the PBC area, we always will it here! For once, the wishful thinking has come true. The amazing Wilson's Phalarope in glorious female splendour was not seen today at Grafham Water after a week or so at the site. But Jonathan Taylor of RSPB Nene Washes fame was there to see it fly in this afternoon (10.5.07) to the small, juicy pool on the High Wash (North Bank) halfway along to the Dog in a Doublet.
I was on the scene as soon as I could get there, but beaten by Brian Stone and Bob Davies (who almost had this bird on his garden list!). It was rainy and miserable, but once Brian climbed on the roof of his car (like a yobbo), and located the blighter, then the weather was put behind us. This is a brilliant little bird, and I will be returning to see it again if it hangs around.
I wonder if it will be drawn to my current fave site, Maxey, by other waders passing through. The presence of a Turnstone and the arrival of 14 Dunlin on the pool while Will Bowell was watching the 'rope, while the Maxey Turnstone of earlier today had gone this evening as had 14 of the 16 DUnlin earlier, may suggest at least a one way connection. Then there were last autumn's commuting Spotted Redshanks which roosted in the direction of the Washes, but returned each day to Maxey... Hmmmm...
Anyhow, Wilson's Phalarope is my 218th PBC species.
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