We are blessed with a decent population of Peregrines in and around Peterborough. I have seen half a dozen or so even in the last couple of weeks at widely scattered sites. They hunt the Nene Washes, are seen in the centre of the city and are regularly seen around the 'higher' hills to the west of the A1M.
This young male, though (aged on the streaked not barred) breast, brownish, buff-fringed upperparts; sexed on relatively small size) was hunting ducks, small gulls and pigeons at Woodwalton Fen NNR yesterday early mornign (hence the glowing light). It was the second day running I had seen a Peregrine at the reserve, but the previous day's bird was a much bigger, grey bird, which I had down as an adult female.
Though I can't move for Peregrines, I still haven't seen a Merlin in the Peterborough area this year. And I crave this 'core' species, just to tickle my local year list up to 182 species. Three weeks to go...