I photographed this Waxwing in Longthorpe, Peterborough on the way to work, this morning (part of a group of 40-odd birds). On checking the photos I saw it was colour-ringed. Watch this space for the provenance (I submitted the record through Euring).
Update: Having read a new article on the colour-ringed Waxwing project in Scotland on Birdguides, I contacted the author Raymond Duncan and sent him the details of this bird (plus the wrong photo!). He got back straight away, to say that it is an adult female, Ring No. NW49430, ringed at Wellheads Ind. Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen on 30.10.10, and not recorded since.
[I replied to thank him and sent the right photo...]
There appear to be at least three decent flocks of Waxwings in Peterborough at the moment. One (including this bird) of 40-odd in Longthorpe, one of 80-odd in Orton Goldhay and at least 20 around the Oundle Road/Sugar Way area. There have also been recent reports of the old Lincoln Road flock (near the Cock Inn) which numbered 80 or more at one stage.
There has to be a good chance of more colour-ringed birds in these flocks.