Blimey, my 2010 local (PBC) year list is going along at snail's pace compared to the last two bumper years. This weekend I did manage to add Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Cetti's Warbler (both heards). But I am running out of winter for certain species and will need to dig deep for the likes of Smew (traditionally straightforward but very tough locally this winter) and Mealy Redpoll.
There are a group of three Taiga Bean Geese I wouldn't mind a gander at (!), which have been in the Nene Washes/Prior's Fen (?) area for weeks now. They wouldn't be a species year tick (I ahd the earlier Tundra Beans), but would be a PBC subspecies tick for me.
Highlights this year have been a bit thin species-wise locally, but I have bagged Scaup and Bittern in addition to the beasts I've mentioned.
And what with reports of Mealy Redpolls, Firecrest and Bearded Tit (Woodwalton Fen) and the likes of Grey Plover at the Nene Washes, it is time I joined the yearly battle...