Highlights this weekend (21-22.3.09) included:
1. Great views of a pair of sky-dancing Marsh Harriers, joined for a competitive dance-off by a handful of Buzzards.

Marsh Harrier
2. First Dog Violets in the garden this year (as found by Jasmine).

Dog Violets
5. First hatched Frog tadpoles in the big pond.

First tadpoles of the year

Blackthorn blossom
4. Twitching a 'female-type' Black Redstart at Swaddywell pits (where there were also a male and female Wheatear).
5. Twitching (by bike) a drake Ring-necked Duck at March Farmers on the Nene Washes. This is species 229 on my PBC Life List.
Last year on 26.3.08 I posted that my PBC year list had reached 125 (including 17 'elites'). This year's list currently stands on 131 including 22 'elites'.
Incidentally, I also bothered looking at where I would stand with a greener, self-propelled BIGBY list (inspired by Brian 'The Natural" Stone's efforts. So far I am on 85 species (including Crane, Ring-necked Duck and Scaup), this year.
