Juvenile Green Woodpecker, Prior's Fen, Cambridgeshire, 23.7.06. I've been trying to photograph Green Woodepckers for what seems like ages, now. But they are crafty and shy and, presumably as they spend so long on the ground (feeding on ants) they are very aware of their vulnerability. So, if you get close, they see you before you see them and they're off. So it appeared when I was wanderign aroudn Prior's Fen the other week, with a juvenile yaffling off, sore-throated into the nearby willows. However, it left one of its siblings behind on the deck, and it simply ignored me and kept digging away for ants as it got closer and closer. These are the shots I got, as I tried to not move a muscle while constantly refocusing the scope...
Canon Powershot A95, Kowa TSN-823 + 32xWLER