Stonechat, 18.2.06
The Nene Washes RSPB reserve is far and away the best place around these here parts. I'm not sure why I don't go there every week throughout the year. At the moment, a stroll down that way brings masses of wildfowl (still plenty of Bewick's and Whooper Swans), huge flocks of Lapwings and Golden Plover, Stonechats galore, one or two Water Pipits and Marsh Harriers and Merlins to gobble them up.
Saturday was gloriously frosty (though a little foggy), and I had brilliant views of a male Merlin perched on a fence. I don't think I'd ever seen one well enough to see it had yellow eye-rings before. As I was watching it, a Stoat in partial ermine trotted along toward me, but vanished before I could photograph it.
I also had an excellent look at a Water Rail prancing about making a 'kick' racket in a ditch. But my highlight of the morning was when a flock of at least 500 Golden Plovers took off and flew over, each one appearing to twinkle on and off in the bright sunshine. The sound of these birds' wings as they go over is also pure magic.