Hundreds of almost identical photos of a Water Rail at Ferry Meadows CP, Peterborough (25.12.05)... Click on some images for big versions. Canon Powershot A95 through Kowa TSN 823 +32xWLER
Kingfisher, Ferry Meadows CP, Peterborough, 27.12.05. Not the greatest pics, but it is interesting to see the effect of light direction on the colour of this amazing bird. Canon Powershot A95 through Kowa TSN 823 +32xWLER
This Bullfinch had just been bathing and was having a post-bath preen, Ferry Meadows CP, Peterborough, 27.12.05. Canon Powershot A95 through Kowa TSN 823 +32xWLER
Water Rail, Ferry Meadows CP, Peterborough, 18.12.05, working the edge of the frozen channel. Click on some images for big versions. Canon Powershot A95 through Kowa TSN 823 +32xWLER
Blow-fly Eye Back and wing Thorax forest Dislocated leg Wings Anal end
Green Lacewing Front end Hairy abdomen Hooked foot Hairy wings I have been into microscopy for many years, formerly professionally (mainly using scanning electron microscopes), so it is high time I got into digi-microscping. These are my first efforts with my Canon A95 Powershot and my binocular microscope. I used the first dead insects I found in the house last night (16.12.05), hence the bits of web and dust. I was amazed what I saw, particularly the hairyness, and hope some of this comes across in the shots. Watch this space for more of this stuff...
From back in the days of black-and-white photography, this Green Woodpecker was at Deeping Lakes LWT, Lincolnshire, 25.3.05. Nikon Coolpix 880 + Kowa TSN-821 + 32xW LER
With a limited time window on Saturday morning, I hit the north of the PBC area. The best locality was Baston Fen, where a Water Pipit flew low over, I accidentally flushed a couple of Jack Snipe and a Stonechat posed on reedmace. Pity I didn't have a few more minutes to spend digiscoping it... Canon Powershot A95 through Kowa TSN 823 +32xWLER