I popped out this morning to check out Dogsthorpe Star Pit to see if there were any waders about. No sign of a single one, but plenty of eclipse
Anas ducks including Shoveler, Mallard and Teal. I also wanted to check out my new Kowa 32x eyepiece (which has been designed to reduce vignetting for digiscopers). It seems to significantly lift the performance of my Kowa 821 scope (the 'budget' non-ED version) but has the wonderful ability to allow use with a camera with no vignetting even at lowest optical zoom levels.
Hence there will be lower magnification of my shake, more light getting in and faster speeds – which all in should produce better images.
Here is one of my first efforts (though taken in a hurry at non-optimal settings at 1/30s). It was one of a feeding party of roving Long-tailed Tits, mixed with Blue Tits, Great Tits and one or two Blackcaps.
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