Thursday, September 10, 2020

Responsible Birding Diary: Thursday 27.8.20


It was a very pleasant morning, so I went to check out the scrubby rough fields and hedges of Castor Hanglands NNR, just west of Peterborough. I was mainly after scarce passage birds such as tree Pipits or Redstarts. No such luck. However, the place was buzzing with Chiffchaffs and plenty pf Great Spotted Woodpeckers and Marsh tits were scattered about. The highlight, though was a gently chirping Raven, which I eventually saw calling from the near the top of a massive pylon a bit to the west. It is amazing how far the soft calls were carrying, but I guess the Raven was applying the same principles that allow a Sky Lark to spread its song over such a wide area.

Later in the day, I popped into the garden (Thursday is drinking pond top up day) and was surprised to not only see juvenile Blackcap, but beside it in the ivy, a Garden Warbler. This is the only the second Garden Warbler we have had in our garden in 20 years!

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