Thursday, September 17, 2009

Biscay shots 8-14.9.09

Common Dolphins at the bow

Male Adonis Blue on Serantes hill above Santurtzi (Bilbao). We had hundreds of these on the first trip, when the sun was out

Common Dolphin disappearing under the bow

Adult Gannet

Adult Sabine's Gulls. We recorded more the 70 adults on each of the two trips

Cuvier's Beaked Whale, which judging from its pale skin and scratches is probably a male

More Common Dolphins at the bow

This Common Dolphin appears to have a ragged rear edge to its tail, perhaps having escaped an attack?

Detail of an earlier shot: click this photo to reveal the scratch marks on this Common Dolphin's flank, presumably from dolphin teeth

Sunset over the bay

Striped Dolphins. This dense pod included several very young animals, as you can see from the range of size of dorsal fins

Large gathering of Great Shearwaters with small numbers of Sooty Shearwaters and some Cory's Shearwaters

Great Shearwaters

More Common Dolphins
All these photos were taken on P&O's Pride of Bilbao crossing the Bay of Biscay accompanying two groups on holiday with the Company of Whales. I'd like to thank all who travelled with us for your excellent company and observational skills. We had a ball.
Over the two trips we recorded ten species of cetacean: Harbour Porpoise; Common Dolphin; Striped Dolphin; Bottlenosed Dolphin; Pilot Whale; Orca; Cuvier's Beaked Whale; Northern Bottlenose Whale; Minke Whale; Fin Whale.
We also had six species of shearwater (sorry Alan, McF for the Little on the trip after you were on board...) and three species of skua.
For summaries of our sightings and to book for next year, see the Company of Whales website.


Alcester nature photography. said...

That looks a fantastic trip 7 I am hugely envious of the sights you have seen. fantastic pics.
Cheers Colin.

R.A.R. Clouston said...

Your photographs are incredible! I like your blog and applaud your efforts on behalf of whales and dolphins. You might be interested in my blog in which I speak on behalf of these magnificent beings. You can read it at or visit my website