Buck Roe Deer

One of four male Wheatears. This bird appears to be a Greenland-race bird.
I got up early and popped along to Serpentine Brick Pit today (28.4.06). The first thing I saw (as I parked) was a Roe Deer, a species I have seen on very few occasions, locally. One of the great things about digiscoping is the distance you can reach with the kit; I was able to take a few shots of it as it wandered into a field and grazed and it was completley oblivious of my presence, crouched about 100m away with my outline masked by a bush. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing next to the entrance, the first I have heard this year, and one of four I heard on my brief walk. Other highlights included a pair of Marsh Harriers over, a mewing Buzzard and four male Wheatears. I think we are getting into the Greenland Wheatear season now. It has been an amazing spring for the species so far, with more than 200 birds recored in the PBC area so far...
Canon Powershot A95, Kowa TSN-823 + 32xWLER
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