Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Please ignore...

...if offended by reading about other people's dreams, which is surely a tiresome business. However, I have had two clear and odd dreams in the last couple of nights, which I will describe briefly. I'd like to stress that these are not real life, merely the dreams of a madman. So, please forgive the content, I warned you to ignore this, after all.

1. My flatmates were a raucous bunch who decided that they fancied frying up and eating our two cute little kittens. Despite my protests, I think they carried out their threat, as the two little innocent cats were missing.

2. Nighttime, after bar closing time, and three young men in a car, rather drunk had a crash and woke up squashed together and surprised that they were alive. They tried to talk out of the window to a young woman they'd seen earlier but she didn't notice them. This was because they were dead and destined to stay in the car, conscious but deceased, for ever. Later, they saw the same young woman's body dead in the road (where she will lie forever) after witnessing her being run over by a police car.

I blame the HP Lovecraft stories I've been reading again.


Matt Merritt said...

I blame the drink.

Anonymous said...

I think you need help Mike. {:)

Anonymous said...

I had a weird dream where Leigh and I went looking for a new house and went to view Sooty and Sweep's place... I remember thinking there were plenty of work surfaces! I can't even blame drink or drugs...